CEO, My Life

A dear friend and business associate of mine shared a story with me that made me think a lot about life. Morale of the story – Be the CEO of your life, don’t let others control your decisions.

I know first hand that having Alopecia is mentally exhausting.  Trying to come to grips with losing your hair, researching the root cause, treatment plans, deciding how you want to move forward, etc, etc.  The thing to remember is that as the CEO of  your life, you get to make the decisions.  Don’t let other people and society influence your decisions.  You decide!!  Once you change your mind-set from reacting to understanding then it becomes your decision on how you want to move forward. Don’t get me wrong, it is really easy to get caught up in the “why me” phase and its OK to be stuck there for a while or even go back from time to time. Eventually though you need to make a decision and you need to own that decision. Be your own CEO!

If you want to wear the same wig for the next 30 years,  do it! If you want to change your wig to match your current mood, then do that (this is me!) If you want to try steroid therapy or light therapy, give it a try.  Or if you feel comfortable going bald or wearing scarfs that’s good too.  Just be authentic, own the decision.

The reason you have Alopecia is because your hair follicles are being attacked by your immune system. You did not ask for this to happened but it did and now you get to own the decision of how you deal with it!

My daughter did a presentation at school about Alopecia and she made these cool props to explain what happens.

In the unhealthy follicle you will notice that the blood vessel is detached and enzymes are attacking thus causing the hair to fall out.

Unhealthy Follicle

In the healthy follicle, the blood vessels are attached and there are no enzymes attacking.Healthy Follicle

I owned a decision this past weekend to go bald in an inspirational photo shoot at my gym. It wasn’t an easy decision and trust me there was a lot of emotion involved.  I made a major CEO decision for me!

Jill v2

It takes courage to own who you are but it’s a great feeling once you make that decision.

Keep Smiling,


CEO, My Life!

#baldbrillance #alopecia #baldisbeautiful #beyoutifulbeast

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